Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 wrap up

well goodbye 2010! really, honestly I don't know where the last few months have gone but one word fits best and that is "blur". not sure what has kept me busy I guess just life. some days are good along with a few bad. but mostly good. I love watching little miss, I love hearing her laugh and seeing her changing and learning every day

Christmas was ok, I think I had hyped it up to much or I dunno you look forward to something for so long and then its never what you expected. but it was nice to spend time with the family and a good turkey dinner

i've been doing a few shifts at work, nice to get back and felt like I had never even left at times but then at other times I was like I was gone for 14 months and there was a lot of people changing shifts and lots of new people/faces so it was sort of weird too. I did well leaving lily and only almost cried once! I think she is loving the time with her daddy and they have really bonded

getting nervous and a little anxious as I start school again next Tuesday (lots of nail biting going one) but I hope it will be a positive and good thing.

so bring it on 2011! i'm ready for you

happy new year y'all


Wandering Coyote said...

Happy New Year to you & your family, Flea! All the best for 2011.

You're going to have to remind me, though...what are you taking at school? I have completely forgotten! Sorry!

flea said...

thanks WC i've been meaning to get over to your blog to wish you the same!

its a 2 year course, studying to become an LPN (licensed practical nurse)

shopgirl said...

Found your site from my site! First off... LOVE LOVE LURVE the title of your blog site!! Secondly? How cute is your daughter?? cutie pa-tutie!!

Looking forward to reading more!