I'm Riley, i'm only 3 months old but as you can tell i'm already quite a big dog (please don't make fun of my ears). i'm loving my new home and my new parents, they give me food and water and don't get too mad at me if i make a mess on the floor (i'm really trying not to). they have a great big yard for me to run and play in and i also now have a new best friend! she sometimes gets mad at me if i bug her too much, or if i try to eat her food, which mommy says i'm not supposed to do, but sometimes i can't help but be a little bad...
oh and did i mention they have cats? i've never seen one of them before! i love to chase them so, and they always run and hide from me and all i want to do is play. i hope they get used to me soon, all i want to do is play, i promise i won't hurt them.
all in all i think i'm going to like it here :)
gotta go chase my new friend!!
OMG! Squeeeeeee! SO adorable! Lots of exclaimation points!
Aw, such a cutie! Good for you!
What a great looking dog!
Hi Riley!!!!! you are a cutie pie!!! Love the ears, love the huge paws and love the serious look....
RILEY! Come gimme a kiss! And a hug!
And stop chasing those kitties! they will be lovin on you in no time if you let them come to YOU. I know! they are cute and furry and you just want to play but dawg, trust me on this one.
Gawd I love me some dogs.
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