ok, where to begin with this.....
well for starters the men came home from wheelin later in the afternoon probably around 6 0r 7 only to want to bail into Jamie's jeep and go muddin. but first we had to wait for Krystal to come down from the "big" city of Woodstock.
i guess i should first explain what Muddin really is or means to us pps from the back woods. you see we have nothing better to do when were teeny bobbers or even now aparantly than to get extremely loaded and bail in a 4X4 vechile of some kind and look for muddy, wet roads to spin around in and typically most generally get stuck in.
now i don't particularily enjoy this experience, never have, as i'm used to being in control myself and i don't like being thrown around like a rag doll either. in fact last nights eposide took me back to like 6 years ago when we did this same thing and their were like 5 of us crammed in one truck cab and our heads were hitting and we got stuck so bad that we had to call and have "M" come and get us and we had to walk out this icky muddy, wet road at like 2AM. Hubby's truck was stuck so bad they had to have a skidder pull it out the next day......oh those were the glory days.
in fact i think that's what Jamie and hubby were trying to accomplish last night as pretty much exactly the same thing happend. only this time were in a jeep, and it's not quite so crowded. we went along fine for the first hr or so and then we thought we would drop in and see what jilly bean was doin as "M" is away this weekend for work. she always makes things funner for me, so i started sippin on that Boone's wine that Jay just bought and was startin to have fun. we wen't around, and around the race track a few times (which brought some more memories.....) and the boys are like now what.....
so off we go down some road that right away does not look good, the ground right now is super soggy and wet and there is still some snow in the woods. we sink and we sink bad......we aren't goin anywhere. so at this point the boyz are so loaded and laughin and are really enjoin this, meanwhile i'm in the back freakin out. how are we gonna get out of this and no way in hell am i walking in the dark........
so they call a few pps and finally get Karl and Andrew to agree and come bail us out as Andrew has a HUGE mofo of a truck that could easily pull us out. only problem is it's brand NEW and he's v. fussy about scrathes and such so they get there and he won't come in the road.....GREAT. at this time i have to pee so damn bad i can hardly move, i really don't want to get in the mud but i'm gonna have to eventually.
hubby then suggest that andrew take him to get his truck (which he so loves, and he will totally rub this in Jay's face). which brings me to start worrying about him driving as he is v.loaded and should not be driving. oh why can't i ever just lighen up??? so yes, eventually the FORD haules the jeep out of er and man you should see the holes that we left or were in, mud was everywhere and water was just runnin. i was so glad to get out of there and back home let me tell you. so yeah that's my story from last night, better than a typcial boring night at home i guess but i can't say that i enjoyed it either. i probably did not do this justice but it's like early in the morning right now and i should probably crawl my sorry ass back into bed.
til we meet again my friends.
1 comment:
me too :(
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