Monday, December 19, 2005

some pics of my staff x-mas party

i hate having my picture taken but alas here's some pics from my staff Christmas party that was held on Dec 9th, a good time was had by all and i can't wait til next year's party (mabye next time i will take my hubby). This is my first Christmas party that i have been too in like 3 years as when i was in gov't we only had inner office parties during the day not at night and not with an open bar.....he he he

me & fellow co-worker "m" and her husband (i left mine at home as it's not really his "thing"). this is pre-drunken happiness and only drink #1

this is a shot of me & fellow co-workers in front of our huge Christmas tree

had one too many drinks by this point and i'm quite giddy & happy (as you can see by the huge grin on my face)


Jimmy said...

Excellent *grin*!!! I dig it!

flea said...

jimmy - yeah it's totally a feel good buzin kinda *grin* isn't it?

god love the holidays & alcohol! they just tie in so well together!

Jimmy said...

Yeah it is! It's the kinda grin that makes other people grin!

Yes, yes they do! Drink and be merry! I hope you had a WONDERFUL Christmas!