this is my new found love.
love. love. love. love
the Sims Ultimate Collection.
oh how i love thee
oh how i could spend countless hours playing thee
where have you been all my life??
why must you be so addictive?
do you love me too?
i can't wait until we meet again!
OK - what is this?
Am I so out of it or what??
You're moderating comments - excellent. Especially after that Litte Bo Peep thing in the previous post...
WC - lol, it's a computer game where you create people and run them thru their lives (kinda like playing god). check it out sometime. and yes i'm moderating my comments for a little while anyways, just to weed out the bad apples :0)
blondie - :) thanks i needed that, i kinda take things to heart and that really bugged me. so thank you!!
bridg - not sure what happend to your other comment i have been moderating them and get them all by email before posting them....didn't see any others besides your last one. strange. then again blogger has been messin me up lately so not sure.
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