Monday, February 19, 2007

the Amazing Race Baby!!

more importantly


Rob & Amber

not only are they back, but they kicked royal Ass last night and managed to come in 1st, let's hope there string of luck continues and that they don't get booted off the show anytime soon. God i love these two, and more importantly it's great GD reality t.v.

i loved them in Survivor and i loved them 2 years ago when they 1st ran the race (him more than her, but i've grown to like her too), just how much to i love these two? i watched their wedding on t.v. and cried, yes i CRIED! and no i'm not ashamed, well mabye a little but not really......

and i can't wait til next weeks show!!! hee!!!!!!!


X said... mean I missed the beginning of the Amazing Race???? I am so disapointed in myself!

I love R & A....they rock!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Cant say I can comment really as we are so far behind here!!! However I did like them in the first amazing race they did! Funny Stuff!

Thanks for popping over! Hope all is well where you are! Come over again sometime! Ill keep you in my favs and pop back!

flea said...

K - LOL, well you didn't miss a whole lot really...but still i can't believe you missed it! and they sooo ROCK!

hails - poor you! i live for this sort of stuff (sad but true), i will def do that and will be sure to add you to my fav's as well

Nelly said...

U r so funny! I like them too, but don't watch the amazing race stuff. They make for a cute couple though!

flea said...

nelly - (blushing) hee! well thanks, i try really hard to be funny, and often think i'm not so it's nice to hear it! and yes they almost make me sick they are so gosh darn cute, but he's evil underneath...mwaaahaa at least a little bit!

Mo said...

Those two are just too cute.

xxxx said...

I'm TOTALLY cheering for them! A lot of people don't like them, but I do. I think he is soooo nice to her.