Wednesday, February 09, 2005

~ Wipe Out ~

This morning was a typical any other morning for me, I got up did my daily routine of a shower, trying to find something clean to wear, grooming myself, getting my lunch together and then finally going out and starting my car so it can run for a few minutes. This morning I did this later than usual as it has been extremely mild here in our neck of the woods and last night it rained/freezing rained and I probably shouldn't even have bothered starting it early as it really did not need it but oh no I had to stick to the routine.

So here I am in a hurry running just a tad late and I only put my shoes half on and I didn''t bother with a coat so I step outside and wow it's so warm out I go down one step, and then another and all of a sudden i'm airborne and everything is happening in slow motion and I can feel myself falling and then next thing I know i'm rolling on the ground in a heap and my right hand takes the brunt of the fall and I get gravel in my nuckles and palm and ohhhhh GAWD it hurts....HURTZ!!!! And I feel like laughing hysterically at myself and I look around to make sure that nobody had seen my little blip and I want to giggle but I can't because my hand is burning and i'm bleeding and dammit if I don't want to cry a little. In the mean time i'm still on the cold, wet, icy ground and I can't seem to pull my ass up which is also hurting a little, so I muck it up and pull myself up off the ground and turn on the stupid piece of shit car. It's all her fault the stupid bitch.

My poor little pinky is really bleeding and dammit if I don't have gravel crammed in their with all the blood and ripped skin. I go back inside sulking like a little child and hubby didn't know what to think, he's like what happend did you slip on the ice??? and i'm like I DON'T KNOW BUT I FELL AND I'M BLEEDING and all you can do is lay there in bed and show me no sympathy what-so-ever, so I then proceeded to throw a "heather" fit and I left the house all in a huff and came to work and then once I get here I almost fall again in the damn parking lot that is an entire sheet of ice, luckily this time my balance prevailed and I stayed on two feet.

So now eveyone looks at my hand and are asking me what did you do get into a brawl or something? And i'm at that point today that I am just saying yes I did what's it to you, what's it to you..........


flea said...

HE HE HE i know, I really think the diddlers saw it as they are always spying on us and I just wanted to die!!! espically the whole roll thing with my ass up in the air....te he too funny

krazykaper said...

OMFG - I'm glad I'm not the only one with embarassing stories about falling. Hope your pinky feels better soon. LOL